You may have already heard about the Chakra system. After all, the proliferation of yoga and meditation in the West has made chakras a household name in the last few years.
Now, if I were to ask you: how many chakras are there within your being? You are most likely to reply "seven".
If I tell you there is an eighth chakra, which is one of the most important ones, you might roll your eyes.
Wait till you hear the whole story, though.
I had once believed that there are just seven chakras, too, until I came to know about the eighth chakra, named the "Bindu" chakra.
If you are still shaking your head and vehemently trying to prove through yoga texts and books that there are just seven chakras, you are partly correct.
Yoga books often tend to omit the eighth chakra, but if you go deep into tantra yoga, you will find the mention of the Bindu chakra as the hidden, most dormant, secret 8th energy point in your body.
Now that I have let you in on the secret of the existence of this eighth chakra, aren't you intrigued to learn more about it?
Well, of course, you are, and that is why through this post, I am going to allow you to journey through the entire story of the Bindu chakra.
Stay with me to learn more about the meaning of Bindu, the location of this chakra, ways to activate this chakra, and its benefits.
Bindu Meaning
All the new words that you hear in the yoga universe have originated from Sanskrit texts from India, which are centuries old. Hence, it is no surprise that the word "Bindu" should have a Sanskrit origin as well."Bindu" literally means a point or a dot. But what does it mean in the context of chakras? After all, how is a point so significant for our well-being? The answer, of course, again lies in the old tantric texts.
The Bindu Chakra is a dot where the energy flowing through our body meets. It is also the source from where all of this energy dissipates throughout the body. Imagine a small source of light within a dark area from which radiates brightness that illuminates the entire space. That is the meaning of the Bindu.
It is the single-most-important point of our body where all our physical, emotional, and spiritual feelings converge.
Also known as the Bindu Visarga, it is a dot from which energy flows in the form of amrita (nectar) throughout the body using the channels of nadis (think pathways) and makes its stopover at other chakras within the body.
Where Is The Bindu Chakra Located?
So, where is this magical, highly-significant Bindu chakra located?It is quite simple to identify the location by yourself. All you need to do is feel the back of your head on the scalp to find out the point where the hair begins to turn in the opposite direction. That is where the Bindu chakra lies. This point is also known as a cowlick, and you would often see hair spiraling outward from this point.
I know what you are thinking, "What if I have two cowlicks?". It is possible and people who have two such points have an expansive Bindu chakra.
These people are generally more active and often experience a surge of creativity.
If you still need help locating the position of your Bindu chakra, you may check out an anatomical book that provides images of the human skull.
Find the point where the bones at the back of the skull meet the bones on the sides of the skull. That is the point you are looking for. That is where your Bindu chakra is.
Another way to identify the location of the Bindu chakra is to look at pictures of the age-old yogis with their heads shaven but for only one tiny layer of hair originating from a point at the back of the head.
That is the point in question and that Bindu is exactly the reason the yogis maintained those few strands of hair.
All said and done, you have to understand that the location of the Bindu chakra is just metaphysical.
There does not exist a physical source of energy on that point. It is just a subtle point that is aroused by emotions and feelings.

Bindu Chakra Symbol
Even though you cannot physically see the Bindu chakra, it is represented by a symbol through which you can refer it. The symbol looks like a crescent moon with a white drop.
It is said that the white drop indicates the origin of amrita. It is this nectar that has the power to nourish the mind and the body, preventing ill-health and promoting longevity.
The crescent moon symbol is the reason this chakra is also called the Moon chakra.

Are you wondering where the moon-like resemblance came from?
It has to do with the brightness that shines from the chakra when it is activated. Yogis say that this brightness can be compared with the light emanating from the moon.
In the Bhagavad Gita, which is the most famous sacred Hindu text, Lord Krishna compares himself to the moon that nourishes all life forms through its light.
This is why nourishment and life-force are considered to be key aspects of the Bindu chakra.
How to Activate the Bindu Chakra?
You might be wondering, why does such an important chakra remain dormant within us? If its job is to emanate life-force and provide energy and nourishment, isn't it supposed to be active all the time?You wish! Unfortunately, the best things in life come only after hard work, and the activation of the Bindu chakra is no different.
But first, let us address the question of why this chakra remains dormant.
As you already know by now, the Bindu chakra is the source of amrita or nectar. This nectar, although continually released by the chakra, gets burned out once it seeps into the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra, governed by the sun, negates the energy coming down from the moon chakra.
Consequently, the amrita is destroyed before you can feel its benefits, aka, you need to learn how to activate the Bindu chakra and use the nectar before it reaches the solar plexus.
Thankfully, there is another chakra that can help.
It is the throat chakra. If you can find a way to keep the nectar within the throat chakra, it doesn't dissipate further, and you can obtain its full benefits.

Here are a few ways to do it:
It is a fairly simple process but quite effective in activating the amrita-secreting precious Bindu chakra. All you need to do is softly massage the point where your Bindu chakra lies (by now, you must have located it on your head) in circular motions.You may use oil for the fluidity of motion, but the process works fine without the oil, too. This massage technique dials down anxiety and helps achieve the balance of the mind.
Yoga Postures
If you have been to yoga sessions, you probably are already aware of the poses that involve inversion. Although for beginners, it may feel like the blood is rushing to your brains when you do an inversion pose, these are extremely handy when it comes to holding the nectar within the throat area.If you are new to this, take it slow. You can start with the Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose), as this is one of the easiest inversion postures.
Other examples of inversion yoga poses include:
- Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shouderstand)
- Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand)
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand)
- Uttana Shishosana (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Deep Breathing / Pranayama
Pranayamas are a series of deep breathing techniques and exercises in yoga wherein you practice to take full control over your breath.
Here are some ideas of the most powerful pranayama exercises:
- Nadhi Sodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
- Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)
- Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath)
- Sitali Pranayama (Collin Breath)
- Kumbhaka Pranayama (Breath Retention)
Holding the breath during certain pranayama sequences enables the nectar to be retained in the throat chakra. Ultimately, you would have to release the breath, but the longer you can hold it, the more benefits you get.
One of my favorite pranayama exercises is the Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath). During this practice, you are supposed to close your ears and listen to an inner sound. After a lot of practice, you can trace this inner sound back to the location of the Bindu chakra.
Khechari Mudra
In olden times, yogis have been known to cut the small portion of the skin beneath the tongue (frenulum linguae) to extend the tongue and block the passage of the amrita into the downward channels. In this way, they obtained the full power of the nectar and could live without food and water for long periods of time.
Well, fast forward to this century, I don't think you would like to cut any part of your body. And you don't have to. You can practice the Khechari Mudra instead.
In this process, you roll your tongue to the base of the palate (roof of the mouth) to block the nectar from flowing to your solar plexus chakra. The longer you can keep your tongue in this position, the more energy you can conserve.
With consistent daily practice of this mudra, you will be able to lengthen the tongue all the way back to the root of the nasal cavity.
Bindu Chakra Healing
Why must you go through so many processes to activate the Bindu chakra? Are there any true benefits?Here is the real story.
An active Bindu chakra is the source of life-giving energy that is known for its healing properties. When this chakra is awakened, and the nectar is properly channeled without being destroyed, it gives rise to a balanced body, mind, and spirit.
The nectar quiets down irrelevant noise and heals our minds from anxiety, depression, trauma, and so on, providing complete harmony to our senses and especially improving the eyesight.
Further, as this nectar is capable of controlling hunger (remember the yogis that survived without food that we talked about earlier?), you tend to give up on unhealthy eating habits and improve your overall health.
The chakra also has a direct link to the pineal gland, which is a small pea-shaped gland in the brain. Its job is to regulate the hormones, control your sleep patterns, and maintain your circadian rhythms.
And how many times has it been reiterated by science and a good night's sleep is a must if you wish to maintain a healthy body and a stress-free mind?
Now you know who is responsible for your body's primary functions, which are your eating habits and your sleep structure. Yes, it is your powerful Bindu chakra.
Bindu Chakra Activation / Opening Symptoms
Okay, so you are willing to try some or all of the above options to activate your sleeping Bindu chakra and retain the nectar within your throat.But how do you even know that you are accomplishing what you set out for? Are there any symptoms that would tell you that the Bindu chakra has been activated?
Well, the symptoms are subtle, and you have to look for them. You will know the difference when you feel them.
First of all, there is a physical connection of this chakra with the pineal gland. As a result, you will notice your eyesight getting better and you may be able to see things a little bit clearer.
Further, you will experience a calmness of the mind with no traces of nervousness or anxiety. That would be your symptom number two.
Lastly, when activated correctly, you may not feel as hungry and thirsty as before. While you still will be able to relish food (especially if you are a foodie), your cravings will be gone, and you will eat only when it is necessary to eat.
Do note that none of these symptoms will appear overnight. Activating the Bindu chakra requires a lot of practice.
The Bindu Chakra, or the eighth chakra in the popular seven-chakra system, is your gateway to health and happiness. This dormant chakra, symbolized by a crescent moon with a white drop, when properly activated, emanates nourishing energy that calms the mind and offers healing powers.While most of the nectar that the Bindu Visarga produces gets destroyed by the solar plexus chakra, there are ways to retain some of it within the throat chakra. The more you can retain, the longer you enjoy the benefits of good health and happiness.
As with anything in yoga practice, activating the Bindu chakra needs patience, and most importantly, the knowledge of pranayama.
But once you get into the depth of it, you can truly benefit from the magic elixir that flows from the tiny dot at the back of your head.
Are you interested in healing all of your chakras?
Are any of your chakras blocked?
We have created comprehensive healing guides for each chakra in your body!
Click on one one of the links below and learn how to unblock all of your chakras:
1. Root Chakra Healing Guide | Muladhara.
2. Sacral Chakra Healing Guide | Svadhisthana.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Guide | Manipura.
4. Heart Chakra Healing Guide | Anahata.
5. Throat Chakra Healing Guide | Vishuddha.
6. Third Eye Chakra Healing Guide | Ajna.
7. Crown Chakra Healing Guide | Sahasrara.
I want to know more about chakras related with animals, nature,trees, flowers etc…