Chakra Colors: 7 Chakras & Their Color Meanings

Author: Jessica Tracy

Chakra Colors And Their Meanings

You've probably heard about the chakra system on your path of spiritual growth. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit (sacred Hindu language), and it literally means “wheel of light”.

Chakras can be described as colorful vortexes of energy that constantly spin like wheels at different speeds.

Chakras are an ancient model of the human energy field that extends beyond the physical body and creates your energetic body, also known as the aura. The aura itself is generated by the spinning of chakra vortices within the body.

People who have the ability to see auras have often described seeing a luminous halo around a person, typically consisting of one or more colors.

As you might have guessed, each chakra is linked to a particular colorThe speed of these energy centers depends on their health and wavelength of light associated with a particular chakra.

With all this in mind, interacting with a certain chakra color will assist you in attracting the energy, or frequency of that color into your life.

In this article, we are going to look at all 7 chakra colors in order (from root chakra to crown chakra), learn how to work with them and find out what is the exact meaning of each color for your energy centers.

Chakra Colors In Order

Let’s begin by looking at each of your chakras and their color correspondence in order:

  • Chakra 1Root Chakra | Muladhara – Red Color
  • Chakra 2Sacral Chakra | Svadhishthana – Orange Color
  • Chakra 3Solar Plexus Chakra | Manipura – Yellow Color
  • Chakra 4Heart Chakra | Anahata – Green Color
  • Chakra 5Throat Chakra | Vishuddha – Light Blue / Turquoise Color
  • Chakra 6Third Eye Chakra | Ajna – Dark Blue or Indigo Color
  • Chakra 7Crown Chakra | Sahasrara Violet or White Color

Chakra Colors Meanings Chart

You might have noticed that these are actually the 7 colors of rainbow!

When you take a close look at the seven colors of rainbow, you will realize that they always appear in a specific orderred, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

All of your 7 chakra colors also appear in the same order within your energetic body.

This particular color arrangement is known as the spectrum of white light or the visible light, and it ranges from 700 nanometers (dark red color) to 400nm (violet color).

The wavelength of each color is different.

The longest wavelength is red, and the shortest wavelength is violet. 

Interestingly, your chakra spinning speeds correlate with these wavelength frequencies

- Root chakra spins at the lowest speed.
- Crown chakra vibrates at the highest frequency.

Chakra Colors and Wavelengths of Light

All of these waves make white light when they are seen together by the human eye.

White light is made of all rainbow colors, as it includes all seven wavelengths.

When you examine some of the ancient spiritual teachings, white is often revered as the color of enlightenment, divinity, and oneness.

It is very beneficial to visualize lots of bright, white light in your aura when you are working with any of your chakras through color therapy.



Chakra Colors And Their Meanings

Color is incredibly important in the world we live in. Color has the power to influence people's thoughts, alter their behavior, and trigger emotional reactions.

Color is also used by nature with unparalleled artistry, making all sunsets more enchanting, flowers more beautiful, and animals more captivating.

Since color is essentially vibration, you can easily influence and balance the chakra centers of your body that vibrate with the same color.

So what are the best ways of working with chakra colors?

  • Visualize these colors during your chakra meditations.
  • Bring more colorful chakra foods into your diet.
  • Surround yourself with specific colors by decorating your room, wearing colorful clothes, or spending more time outdoors in nature.
  • Create a crystal grid and use appropriate chakra stones.

Now, let’s have a look at all chakra colors and their meanings, starting from the bottom (root chakra) and ending at the top (crown chakra).

Root Chakra Red Color Meaning

Red is the color that immediately catches your attention, and it is very often used to signal alerts and threats.

The root chakra is responsible for your survival, and the red color has the ability to bring your attention back to safety.

Red is also a color of vitality, strength, power, courage, and self-awareness as it allows you to remain more grounded in the physical body.

Red color wavelength is dense, and it moves the slowest from all colors, which is a reminder of your connection to the Earth's energy.

You can read more about the root chakra in our Root Chakra Healing Guide article.

Root Chakra Red Color Meaning

Sacral Chakra Orange Color Meaning

Orange is a color that can be both exciting and soothing.

The orange color combines the physical energy of red with the joy and happiness of yellow.

Orange is the color of creativity, success, and it can be associated with delight and ecstasy.

Orange is also a color of optimism as it gives you the freedom to be yourself.

Balanced sacral chakra will allow you to have a vibrant, orange glow in your aura, and as a result, people will naturally gravitate towards you!

You can read more about sacral chakra in our Sacral Chakra Healing Guide article. 

Sacral Chakra Orange Color Meaning

Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow Color Meaning

The yellow color is associated with the energy of fire, which can break down other elements. 

Yellow is also the color of the Sun, which is the main source of heat and energy for our entire Solar System.

Solar plexus chakra has the same purpose for your body like the Sun for Earth – it supplies you with energy and fuel for all of your biological processes.

Yellow is a color of joy, happiness, optimism, and increased mental activity.

Yellow is often being used in chromotherapy as a stimulating color for patients with eating disorders and anorexia, to activate their metabolism.

Solar plexus chakra governs your digestion and metabolism, so if you experience any problems with your metabolism, bring more yellow into your life!

Yellow is also the most visible color of the entire spectrum, and it is very often used on all of the warning signs.

You can read more about solar plexus chakra in our Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Guide article.

Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow Color Meaning

Heart Chakra Green Color Meaning

Green is a naturally calming and soothing color, as it encourages a general sense of harmony and balance.

Green is also associated with feelings of peace, compassion, kindness, and love.

The dynamic energy of green (observed specifically during a Spring season) represents growth, expansion, and openness.

The abundance of green can be found anywhere in nature, so one of the best things you can do for your heart chakra is to spend some time outside in nature.

You can read more about heart chakra in our Heart Chakra Healing Guide article.

Heart Chakra Green Color Meaning

Throat Chakra Blue Color Meaning

Blue color represents freedom, purity, loyalty, imagination, clarity, confidence, and trust.

Blue is regarded to be a color of the spirit, and it is believed to have a beneficial impact on the body and mind.

The blue color is also cooling in nature, and it will allow you to feel calmer, more peaceful, and balanced whenever you express yourself.

The element associated with the throat chakra is space, and the biggest open spaces on our planet (sky and sea) are blue.

You can read more about throat chakra in our Throat Chakra Healing Guide article. 

Chakra Lover Gifts

Throat Chakra Blue Color Meaning

Third Eye Chakra Indigo Color Meaning

The main color of the third eye chakra is indigo (a combination of blue and violet), also known as royal blue

The violet in indigo contributes to awareness, spirituality, wisdom, and connection with the Higher Self.

Blue color assists with communication, creativity, purification, and authenticity.

Indigo is considered to be a color of integrityharmony, deep inner awareness, and wisdom.

People who emit lots of indigo from their auric field tend to possess natural psychic gifts, experience vivid lucid dreams, and sense things before they happen.

Indigo color can influence you by putting your mind in a concentrated and focused state

It will allow you to stay focused, meditate, increase your awareness, and insight.

Working with indigo allows you to sharpen your mind and to increase emphasis on spiritual issues.

You can read more about third eye chakra in our Third Eye Chakra Healing Guide article. 

Third Eye Chakra Indigo Color Meaning

Crown Chakra Violet Color Meaning

The color associated with the crown chakra is violet, which has the highest vibrational frequency in the entire spectrum of colors. 

Violet is a color of spirituality, reflection, and self-awareness

An aura of violet indicates a person’s high level of curiosity, interest, and a desire to search for answers to various life problems to pursue the right path. 

Violet gives an inward feeling of unity, integrity, and wholeness. 

White is another color that is often associated with the crown chakra.

White represents purity, perfection, innocence, and new beginnings.

It will encourage you to remain calm, focused, and keep your mind open. 

You can read more about crown chakra in our Crown Chakra Healing Guide article. 

Crown Chakra Violet Color Meaning

Chakra Colors and Seven Layers of Aura

Knowledge of your chakra colors and their meaning can help you to understand the idea of the human aura. 

There are 7 layers of your aura from the Etheric Body (layer 1) to Casual Body (layer 7).

Each layer of your aura is a vibrational energy field linked to one chakra

When your chakras are balanced, and you feel healthy, your entire aura can stretch out to a few meters in radius, and it is very light in color.

Your auric field can be very small when your chakras are out of alignment.

Many intuitive people can sense or see some of these auric fields, but there are not many people who can see all 7 auric layers.

If you are interested in learning more about human aura, check out the 7 Colors of Human Aura Meaning article on our blog. 

7 Chakra Colors & Seven Layers of Your Aura

Chakra Stones Colors

It is commonly accepted that certain crystals and stones have strong vibrational energy that can be passed to you to restore your energetic balance.

By matching a gemstone with a chakra, you can integrate the stone's color with the corresponding chakra to maximize its coherence and strength.

Generally speaking, most effective crystals and gemstones will have the same color as a corresponding chakra center.

There are some exceptions here (for example, some of the root chakra stones are black, and rose quartz is one of the best crystals to balance your green, heart chakra), but most of the time, you can follow this simple rule when selecting your chakra stones.

If you want to learn more about chakra stones and their meanings, check out our Chakra Stones Meanings Guide.

Chakra Stones Colors Chart

Now Over To You...

  • What is your favorite chakra color?
  • How does seeing that color make you feel?
  • Do you think chakras can be balanced with chromotherapy (color therapy) or meditation?

Let us know in the comments below!


Chakra Colors Chart - Chakra Colors In Order

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2 thoughts on “Chakra Colors: 7 Chakras & Their Color Meanings

  1. avatar Jessica Tracy says:

    Thank you for the feedback Deb, I’m glad that you enjoyed it! 🙏😘

  2. avatar Deb SixWahlstrom says:

    Amazing article I love it

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