The throat chakra is the 5th energy center from the bottom, located at the neck, in the region of the cervical vertebrae, and it reaches from shoulders all the way up to medulla oblongata (part of the brainstem).
Some of the main functions of throat chakra are communication, purification, creativity, and expressing your authenticity. The throat chakra is the center of sound and speech.
This chakra holds your ability to fearlessly communicate your authentic self. A healthy throat chakra will allow you to express yourself and speak the truth from a place of integrity.
Your ability to communicate things clearly can determine the quality of experiences in your life.
One of the main causes of throat chakra blockage is not thinking, speaking, and living in alignment with your true, authentic self.
When your throat chakra is blocked, you will experience symptoms of social anxiety, shyness, lack of faith, inability to trust others, desperation, mood swings, and fear of speaking.
Let's have a look at some of my favorite healing methods to unblock your throat chakra:
1. Speak & Use Your Own Voice
The throat chakra is associated with sound, so sound therapy is one of the best healing methods you could try.
Some of the best ways to use your own voice are speaking, humming, singing, laughing, shouting, and saying mantras.
Mantra chanting is a great method for balancing the throat chakra and toning up the vocal cords. The sound vibration of the ‘HAM’ mantra directly corresponds to this energy center.
The best way to chant this seed mantra is to try it at different pitch levels, and determine, which level feels the most cleansing for your throat chakra. You are looking for a sound that vibrates at the highest frequency, and it can be associated with a feeling of release and opening.
Another great way to release blocked energy from your throat chakra is singing. It is a very liberating practice, which many of us perform in the shower or car. If you like to sing, do it more often and maybe even try it with the other people at your next karaoke night.
If singing is not your thing, try screaming. Screaming is a primal way of coming into touch with the suffering that you have repressed and which might be consuming you from the inside.
Screaming has a scientifically proven therapeutic value and the potential to release all of the emotional blocks trapped inside your throat chakra. If you are worried that people might consider you as a total weirdo, try screaming in a pillow, alone in the car, or somewhere remote in nature.
You can also work with your throat chakra through mindful speech.
Every time before you speak, ask yourself these questions in your mind:
- Is what I am about to say the truth?
- Is it necessary for me to say this?
- Why is it necessary to say it?
- Is what I am about to say hurtful or harmful?
With that in mind, you can practice speaking openly, honestly, and respectfully with others regularly.
Lastly, let’s not forget about the importance of listening in communication. Active listening is a sign of respect for another person. It can create strong relationships and is an invaluable communication skill.
Let me give you a few quick tips on how to become a great listener:
- Make eye contact.
- Face the speaker.
- Stay present and focus on what is being said.
- Nod your head.
- Wait for the speaker to stop before speaking.
- Repeat back what you heard.
- Ask questions.
2. Listen
Sound and vibration are the essences of the throat chakra, so sound healing therapy is a fantastic way of working with your 5th chakra.
Sound healing is a practice used for thousands of years which uses a variety of sounds, rhythms, and frequencies for healing made through:
- Vocal toning
- Drumming
- Tuning Forks
- Didgeridoo
- Gongs
- Windchimes
- Singing Bowls
- And many other instruments
Because all sounds exist at various frequencies and your body emits its own waves too, sound therapy works by matching these waves together and synchronizing your brain (for example, binaural beats).
There are music and sound frequencies, which are created specifically to open up this energy center. Sounds tuned to the frequency of 384Hz and 741Hz are believed to be most beneficial for throat chakra healing.
3. Throat Chakra Affirmations
Try some of these powerful Throat chakra affirmations, which can be used throughout the day, or during your meditation to strengthen this energy center:
- I hear and speak the truth.
- The truth sets me free.
- I am open and honest in my communication.
- I live an authentic life.
- I am expressing myself with clear intent and confidence.
- I am an important voice in the world, and my voice is heard.
- What I have to say is valuable to others.
- I love to share my experiences and wisdom.
- I know when it is time to listen.
- I am safe and trust others to allow me to express myself truthfully.
- By expressing my truth, others find a way to their truth.
- I live in my truth, I communicate my truth, I am the truth.
4. Throat Chakra Yoga Poses
Yoga is a great way to work with your Throat chakra, as certain physical poses (asanas) will allow you to open up your shoulders and release the tension from your neck.
Yoga also improves the oxygen circulation in your body, as most of the yoga exercises involve working with your breath
Some of the best yoga poses to open up your throat chakra include:
- Neck rolls and neck stretches – these are great warm-up exercises before your yoga session as they reduce the upper back, neck, and jaw tension. Any of these areas can contain enormous quantities of stress and require daily stretching.
- Cat Cow pose (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)
- Seated Cat Cow pose (Upavistha Bitilasana Marjaryasana)
- Fish pose (Matsyasana)
- Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
- Baby Cobra pose (Ardha Bhujangasana)
- Puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)
5. Breath of Fire
One of the best breathing techniques for your throat chakra is Breath of Fire, also known as Kapalabhati Pranayama.
Breath of fire is a powerful detoxifying breathing technique, which involves a series of short and powerful nose inhales (exhale is passive). Breath of fire is very often performed during kundalini yoga exercises. It will increase the blood flow to your throat center, detoxify the body, and bring more clarity to your mind.
Kapalabhati is an intermediate breathing technique, and it is not recommended for people with certain health conditions. Please consult with a physician, or check with a qualified yoga instructor before trying this technique.
6. Lions Breath
Lion’s Breath, also known as Simha Pranayama is another powerful breathing technique that can improve blood circulation and strengthen the muscles in your throat.
Here’s how to do it:
- Sit down on the knees with your back straight and make yourself comfortable.
- Take a deep breath into the belly.
- Exhale all of the oxygen out of your belly and make an audible ‘Haaaa!” sound.
- Keep your tongue out as far as it reaches during the exhalation.
- Try to keep your eyes focused on your third eye center, between your eyebrows.
- Hold the final position for 20 to 30 seconds before you breathe again.
- Repeat the breath for 3 to 5 rounds, holding the intention to release any toxins from your body and heal your throat chakra.
7. Alternate Nostril Breathing
Alternate nostril breathing, also known as nadi shodana, is a purifying breathing technique used to release trapped energy channels in your body and calm the mind.
Nadi shodana will fill your heart center with oxygen and allow you to experience a gentle, cooling sensation throughout your body.
Here’s how to do alternate nostril breathing:
- Sit down with your back straight.
- Take your index finger and middle finger of your right hand and fold it towards your palm.
- Use the right thumb to close the right nostril and slowly inhale through the left nostril.
- Pause after the inhale and seal the left nostril with your ring finger
- Slowly exhale through the right nostril.
- Keep your ring finger in the same place and inhale through the right side.
- Seal the right nostril with a thumb and exhale through the left.
- Keep your thumb in the same place and inhale through the left nostril.
8. Throat Chakra Meditation
Throat chakra meditation can help you to accelerate the process of purification and healing of this energy center.
During this mediation, you will imagine the vibrant, blue color and concentrate on the ether (space) element associated with this chakra.
Let’s begin:
- Sit down with your back straight and relax your body by taking few deep breaths.
- Once you are fully relaxed, close your eyes and feel the space in the body by slowly moving your attention from the bottom of the body to your head.
- Start with your feet, then your legs, stomach, chest, arms, throat, and finish at the top of your head (this technique is known in meditation as a body scan).
- Once you have finished with the body scan, start connecting with space all around your body – begin with your room and start stretching it out in all directions, towards infinity.
- Spend a few minutes floating in the vast sea of light, enjoying the silence and bliss of the infinite space.
- As you go deeper into this meditation, gently shift your attention to your throat chakra and imagine a blue circle of energy right in the middle of your throat.
- Keep on breathing into your throat center and inflate this circle with intentions of truth, authenticity, and confidence – feel free to use some of the throat chakra affirmations from this article.
- Enjoy the healing energy which emanates from your throat space and leave all worries behind you.
- Stay in this state for at least a few minutes to integrate this transformative energy.
- Finish your meditation by placing the left hand on your chest and saying the words: “The truth sets me free!”.
9. Throat Chakra Stones and Crystals
The throat chakra leading color is light blue / turquoise, therefore most effective stones to balance your 5th chakra are usually (light) blue.
You can learn more about throat chakra gemstones here.
Now, let's a have a look at some of the best stones to balance your throat chakra.
- Typical colors: light blue, sky blue, blue, blue-green, gray-green.
- Helps with: self-expression, communication, physical injuries, leadership skills, stress and anxiety, depression, panic attacks.
This gorgeous stone will allow you to increase creative energy in your throat chakra. It activates and harmonizes the throat chakra to promote the articulation of one’s deepest knowledge. Turquoise can help you to overcome shyness and encourage you to express yourself with clarity.
- Typical colors: it comes in a variety of colors.
- Helps with: self-confidence, communication, mental clarity, stress and anxiety, public speaking, loyalty.
This soft, blue gemstone is considered to be one of the best communication stones. It will allow you to express your true feelings to others. It can also help you to think with more clarity and focus on what is most important.
Agate is helpful for self-analysis and uncovering invisible problems that could be conflicting with your well-being. It encourages self-acceptance and trust, as well as the expression of your own truth.
- Typical colors: light blue, blue, green-blue.
- Helps with: public speaking, self-confidence, courage, communication, meditation, mental clarity, stress and anxiety, good luck.
This sparkling, light blue stone can help you to overcome a fear of public speaking. Aquamarine activates the throat chakra to its original capacity to express the highest and most genuine truth.
It can help you to talk openly and without frustration in tough situations. For both men and women, aquamarine is also an empowerment stone.
Aqua Aura Quartz
- Typical colors: bright blue, sky blue.
- Helps with: communication, self-realization, focus, mental clarity, wealth and prosperity, spiritual awareness.

You will be enchanted by the shimmering glow when you first set your eyes on the beautiful aqua aura quartz.
Aqua Aura is known as a success stone as well as a stone of abundance. The aqua aura quartz will also assist you in understanding your own, authentic truth, and it will give you the courage to speak the truth.
- Typical colors: blue, cyan, blue-green, green, black-blue, brown, and rarely yellow.
- Helps with: communication, self-expression, listening, awareness, self-realization, stress and anxiety, creativity.

Chrysocolla is a teaching stone that encourages us to share our deepest wisdom so that others can learn from our experiences. This can be illustrated by listening lovingly to a friend and giving your insights or acting as a mentor to a student.
Chrysocolla is an excellent stone for those looking to develop themselves emotionally and spiritually.
10. Throat Chakra Food
The throat chakra is known as your center of purification, so various forms of fasting and detoxification techniques are very beneficial for Vishuddha.
If you are new to healing through fasting, you can start by experimenting with intermittent fasting by gradually reducing the number of hours when you consume food.
The throat chakra is also vital for your connection to food. To a big extent, you experience every meal through the throat chakra, with your senses of smell and taste.
Saliva in your mouth allows you to break down diverse nutrients, making them available for your stomach. The throat chakra governs your ability to choose the right foods for your highest good.
Some of the most important lessons of your throat chakra when it comes to food are:
- Exchange communication with others during your meals.
- Aim to eat slower and chew your food.
- Pay attention to your senses during a meal (for example, avoid talking while chewing your food).
- Express your gratitude for a meal.
- Choose only the highest quality ingredients for your meals (organic, locally grown, and sourced).
Throat chakra main element is ether, so the best foods to consume are the ones, which bridge the gap between different elements:
- Sea plants (Water-Earth) - plants such as kelp, dulse, or nori are excellent choices for your thyroid health.
- Soups (Earth-Water).
- Cold-pressed juices (Earth-Water).
Variety of ethnic foods.
Throat Chakra Opening Symptoms
Your throat chakra will begin to open when you start living an authentic life, stand by your word with integrity, and say what you feel.
When you finally discover your truth, you will realize that you begin to act as a catalyst to awaken other people to their authenticity.
People with fully developed throat chakras have access to few more throat chakra gifts, such as telepathy (communication across time and space), clairaudience, and channeling.