For every purchase you make in our store, we donate 1% of the total value of your order to the Charity of Your choice!
Simply click the 'Select' button underneath the ADD TO CART button to pick the cause of your choice.
You can select from one of our 3 Featured Causes or simply search for a Nonprofit organisation you wish to support with your purchase.
At the end of your checkout you will receive confirmation email that our gift is on its way! :)
Our 3 Featured Causes Include:
The Tibet Fund
The Tibet Fund’s primary mission is to preserve the distinct cultural and national identity of the Tibetan people. Our aim is to promote self-reliance and help sustain the cohesiveness of the exile Tibetan community.
As the primary funding organization, we have worked closely with the Central Tibetan Administration in advancing education, refugee rehabilitation, religious and cultural preservation, and community development for more than 140,000 Tibetan refugees living in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
In Tibet, our support is directed to orphanages, eye care and other health programs and educational projects that aid impoverished and marginalized Tibetans.
International Elephant Foundation
The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) was founded in 1998 by Michael Fouraker. IEF is a non-profit corporation of individuals and institutions dedicated to the conservation of African and Asian Elephants worldwide.
IEF creates a sustainable future for elephants. We generate and effectively invest resources to support elephant conservation, education, research, and management programs worldwide. Through our passion, expertise, knowledge, and partnerships we inspire and engage people to ensure a vibrant future with elephants everywhere.
IEF is an organization working diligently and successfully for conservation of elephants. It has a proven track record and is an excellent choice to receive funds for the benefit of elephants. Those who donate to the International Elephant Foundation can rest assured that your money is going to support one of our many elephant conservation and research projects.
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense Fund's mission is to preserve the natural systems on which all life depends.
The Environmental Defense Fund focuses on ecological issues that affect people worldwide: clean energy, sustainable fishing, restoring ecosystems, and pollution.
They use a multidisciplinary approach to tackle these environmental problems and avoid duplicating efforts already done by others. Today, the organization has two million members and a staff of 700 scientists, policy experts, economists, and professionals around the world.
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