Ayurveda Body Types | The 3 Doshas - Vata Pitta Kapha

Author: Jessica Tracy

Ayurveda 3 Doshas - Vata Pita Kapha

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional, holistic healing modality, which originates in India, and can be traced all the way back to 6000 BC.
In Sanskrit (old Indo-Aryan language), Ayurveda translates to "The Science of Life".

Balance between the body, mind and soul is the foundation of ayurvedic medicine.

According to ayurvedic philosophy, human body has innate capacity to heal itself.
We are able to unlock the healing abilities of our bodies through appropriate nutrition, positive thoughts, meditation, stress-free lifestyle and medicinal herbs.

What are Doshas?

The doshas in ayurveda represent universal life force and biological energy contained in the entire human mind, and body.

The idea of 3 Doshas in ayurvedic philosophy is based on 5 elements: Air, Ether, Water, Fire and Earth.

We all have a different balance between these five elements from the moment of our birth.

As we pass through life, the proportion of each of the three doshas fluctuates continuously depending on the lifestyle choices, environment conditions and several other factors.

This is what makes all of human beings so special and unique.

  1. Vata is composed of Ether (Space) and Air.
  2. Pitta is made of Fire and Water.
  3. Kapha consists of Earth and Water.

The Three DOshas and Their Elements


While most of us usually have 1 (single-dosha) or 2 (dual-dosha) dominant doshas, we all tend to have Vata, Pitta and Kapha elements, but in different amounts.

So, what is the best dosha constitution?

There is no perfect form of body and mind to be. Every dosha type has its own pros and cons, its own strengths and weaknesses.

Generally, people who are single-dosha dominant appear to have less health issues, but they tend to be more serious.

Dual-dosha and the tri-dosha types appear to have a broader spectrum of less severe health issues.

What’s the bottom line?

According to ayurvedic medicine, at the moment of our birth we all receive our personal dosha blueprint, known in Sanskrit as Prakruti (“nature” or “basic trait”).

On the other hand, the body's doshas abnormal condition or state of bad health is called Vikruti.

Your main goal should be to restore all of your doshas to their natural (praktuti) level in the body.


The Three Doshas 


An individual whose constitution is primarily Vata will have physical and mental qualities that represent the basic qualities of Ether (Space) and Air. 

These 2 elements are associated with the movement and free-flowing spirit, therefore Vata types are people who are positive, creative, energetic, communicative, enthusiastic and fast paced.

Vata type often experiences feelings of anxiety, fear, indecision due to the racing mind, irregular eating schedule (they tend to overeat), changing mood and erratic sleep.

When it comes to aspects of the body, Vata types are thin and tall with cold hands, and feet, cracking joints, dry skin and frequent constipation.

Vata is sometimes referred to as the "The King of Doshas", as it controls the body's life force and sets Pitta and Kapha in motion.

Vata is linked to body functions such as breathing, circulation, muscle and tissue movement, heartbeat and nerve impulses.

Vata Dosha

Here are few ideas on how to keep Vata balanced:

  • Avoid cold temperatures and wear warm clothes
  • Introduce more grounding types of food and eat less raw fruits and vegetables
  • Set up an eating routine that works for you and don’t skip the meals
  • Avoid artificial stimulants, coffee, strong tea and alcohol
  • Establish a regular sleeping and meditation routine
  • Engage in calming exercises such as yoga or walking 


A person whose constitution is primarily Pitta will have physical and mental qualities that represent the basic qualities of Fire and Water.

People with balanced Pitta are normally very clever, polite, brave, friendly and intelligent. They also tend to be great public speakers, managers and leaders.

Individuals with strong Pitta constitution are rapid learners with a strong desire to absorb new skills and ideas, which sometimes can make them more judgemental or frustrated with others, who are much slower than them.

Pitta type often experiences feelings of anger, impatience and annoyance under stress, aggressiveness, overexertion, and burnout.

When it comes to aspects of the body, Pitta types are medium build, muscular and strong with freckled skin that turns red quickly in the sun.

Pitta is linked to body functions such as digestion, absorption, elimination, glandular secretion, metabolism and body temperature.

Pitta Dosha

Here are few ideas on how to keep Pitta balanced:

  • Spend more time outside, in the nature
  • Avoid artificial stimulants, coffee, alcohol and fatty foods
  • Introduce more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet
  • Accept and communicate your emotions in ways that can benefit you and others
  • Engage in calming exercises such as yoga, tai chi, swimming, cycling or walking
  • Develop a daily meditation practice


An individual whose constitution is primarily Vata will have physical and mental qualities that represent the basic qualities of Water and Earth.

People with balanced Kapha are compassionate, supportive, patient, caring, relaxed and accommodating.

Imbalance in Kapha can lead to insecurity, materialism, laziness, jealousy, lethargy and excess eating.

Kapha person thinks deeply before taking any decision, looks for comfort in food and enjoys following established routines.

When it comes to aspects of the body, Kapha types are physically strong and solid with a tendency to gain weight due to their slow metabolism.

Kapha Dosha

Here are few ideas on how to keep Kapha balanced:

  • Schedule plenty of daily, physical exercises
  • Don’t eat until you’re full, eat until you’re 70-80% full
  • Avoid processed foods, sweets and bread
  • Try to do something new from time to time and break away from your routines
  • Try meditation and practice non-attachment
  • Avoid naps during the day and maintain regular sleeping schedule

How To Determine Your Ayurvedic Dosha? 

Still unsure what is your dosha type?

Have a look at the table below with detailed characteristics of each dosha: 

Body Size Thin Medium Large
Weight Gain Problematic Can gain but tend to lose easily Gains easily, hard to lose
Skin Type Dry, thin Smooth, mixed Thick, oily
Hair Dry, brittle, scarce Straight, oily, prone to hair loss Thick, curly, wavy, oily
Skin texture Cold, light Warm, reddish with freckles Pale
Nose Uneven shape Long, pointed Short, rounded
Eyes Small, active Sharp, sensitive to light Big, calm
Eye color Black, brown Bright gray, green Blue
Lips Dry, cracked Often inflamed Smooth, large
Chin Thin, angular Tapered Rounded, big
Neck Long, thin Normal Wide
Chest Small, flat Medium Wide
Belly Small, flat Medium Large, rounded
Hips Small Moderate Big
Joints Cracking Normal Large, well lubricated
Taste pick Sweet, sour, salty Sweet, bitter, astringent Bitter, pungent, astringent
Digestion Irregular Fast Slow
Physical activity Very active Moderate Not too active, slow
Mental activity Very active Moderate Calm, relaxed mind
Personality Talkative, social, outgoing Ambitious, clever, friendly Reserved, laid back
When stressed Anxious, fearful Angry, jealous Greedy, possessive
Beliefs Keep changing Dedicated Consistent
Intellectual response Fast, not detailed Accurate, on time Slow but exact
Carrer preference Creative art, design, social interaction Science, engineering, construction Management, human relations, care-giving
Sleep Short, with breaks Normal Deep
Speech Fast Articulate, precise Monotonous, slow
Dreams Multiple, fearful Fiery with conflicts Romantic and slow
Environment Feels cold easily Doesn't like heat Doesn't like humidity
Finances Impulse buyer Likes luxury Enjoys saving money


Attributes of Three Doshas

Vata Pitta  Kapha
Dry Oily Oily
Rough Sharp Soft
Cold Hot Cold
Light Light Heavy
Subtle Liquid Slimy
Mobile Mobile Slow
Clear Dense

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4 thoughts on “Ayurveda Body Types | The 3 Doshas - Vata Pitta Kapha

  1. avatar Jessica Tracy says:

    @Melody, it means that you are Pitta dominant

  2. avatar Melody says:

    I scored 15 Vata, 21 Pitta, and 12 Kapha… what does that mean?

  3. avatar Jessica Tracy says:

    Thank you Ramadoss for your kind words! 🙏
    I would encourage everyone to comment here and let us know what is your dosha type 😊

  4. avatar Ramadoss says:

    Great article…explaining things clearly..the table of comparison between the Doshas looks exact and easy to understanding

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