Chakra Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide

Author: Jessica Tracy

Chakra Archetypes: Chakras & Their Archetypes

How many times have you watched a movie or a television series and reacted to a scene with, "Oh! I know what happens next."?

That's right! TV shows and movies are often predictable because they feed on the patterns of human nature.

For instance, if you're watching a mythological movie, and you see a strong, handsome man with an elusive nature, in robes, wielding a sword, riding a horse, your mind automatically goes, "Yes, this is the heir to the throne, the knight in shining armor, who is going to save the day!".

We may consider ourselves to be individualistic, but deep down, there's a repeat of the same kind of emotions and reactions that have been a part of us through generations.

That's why we make no hesitations in typecasting someone or something based on how they're portrayed.

The similar characters and storylines that we often see repeated in books and movies are nothing but based on archetypes.

These are patterns in human nature that we identify with, and thus, we understand the positives and negatives associated with those patterns.

But how do these archetypes help you in your spiritual growth?

Well, they work quite well with your 7 primary chakras, which when properly channeled, can help you build further on the positives of each archetype that the chakras represent.

Let's first break down to the basics of archetypes and then move on to the different archetypes that the chakras represent.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are vortexes of energy located throughout your body. They are part of your subtle body, not your physical body, and are responsible for your physical, emotional, and spiritual responses.

Although chakras are present throughout your being, the 7 primary chakras that run from your head through your spine to the base of your vertebrae are the ones that you need to care about when dealing with archetypes.

If you wanted to learn more about 7 chakras and their meanings, check out our Chakras For Beginners Guide.

Seven Chakras Chart For Beginners - Chakra Meaning

What Are Archetypes?

An archetype is a universal pattern of characteristics, behavior, and reactions. There are several archetypes and every one of us can be placed into at least one type. Every archetype involves both positive and negative qualities.

Archetypes speak to us because they have been drilled into our subconscious minds through a greater part of human history. They are also part of our folklore and mythological stories that have been ingrained into us through generations.


Archetypes of the Seven Chakras

It's now time to dig a little deeper into what archetypes exist concerning the 7 primary chakras. Every chakra has a positive and a negative archetype. And when you know these better, it becomes easier to avoid the negative archetypes and harness the energy from the positive ones, which lead you to your spiritual journey.

1. Root Chakra Archetypes

Root Chakra Muladhara Symbol Meaning

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and draws energy from Mother Earth. It's responsible for controlling our sense of basic security and well-being, emotionally as well as physically. Let's look at what its negative and positive archetypes are.

Negative Archetype - Victim

The victim archetype represents those who have lost their grounding and believe that external forces such as fate control their lives. Some characteristics of this archetype are as below.

  • They feel that they are at the mercy of forces beyond their control
  • They feel as if they have no choice
  • They depend on others to take all of their decisions
  • Fear is usually one of the strongest emotions that they feel

Grounding and rooting to the basics of life by utilizing the vital life force of the root chakra is one of the ways to come out of the victim archetype and feel more empowered.

Positive Archetype - Mother

As the name suggests, the mother archetype is all about nourishment, care, and vigilance. This positive archetype cares for the life force within the body and builds it to achieve the mind's spiritual goals. Here's how to recognize this archetype.

  • They take care of themselves as a mother would to a child
  • They are connected with their needs and do things to fulfill them
  • They have improved capacity for loving themselves and others
  • They are independent and do not project their needs in front of the world

In difficult times, it is this positive archetype that we fall back on that rescues us from victimhood. It helps us rebuild, sustain, and heal ourselves through love.

Root Chakra Mother Archetype

2. Sacral Chakra Archetypes

Sacral Chakra Svadhishthana Symbol Meaning

Located below the abdomen, the sacral chakra gives us an idea of what we enjoy doing and what brings us a sense of pleasure. It could be something as simple as food or people, or it could be slightly more complicated as to what satisfies our spiritual quest. And of course, the chakra has negative and positive archetypes, too. Let's see what they are.

Negative Archetype - Martyr

This archetype is similar to the victim, the difference being that while the victim submits itself to external forces, the martyr doesn't. The martyr has lots of needs and wishes but usually feels tied down despite their desires. Here's how to identify a martyr.

  • They feel helpless in a situation despite desiring otherwise
  • They often feel that they are rightly suffering in the place of others
  • They feel that they should sacrifice all of their happiness to keep others happy
  • They think (of course incorrectly) that in living a half-fulfilled life they are doing a great service to near and dear ones

It's important to break out of this stage of continued self-sacrifice and feelings of imposed unhappiness by recognizing that everyone has a right to be happy. The choice is ours.


Positive Archetype - Empress/Emperor

Think of this archetype in this way. An empress/emperor allows all the lavishness of life to set in but knows their responsibilities and duties, too. And so, this archetype is about knowing what is good for you without being over-indulgent. How can you tell if someone is of this archetype? Here's how they behave.

  • They love to enjoy all the good things in life, in matters of the world as well as emotions
  • They know what they're doing and proudly stand up for their achievements
  • They are happy to be prosperous and love fun and entertainment
  • They are passionate, jovial, and amiable
  • They also care about people and share the abundance with friends

Those belonging to this archetype may have an easy and fulfilled life, but they should also know that these achievements are materialistic, and there's more to existence than just having the best of the physical world.

Sacral Chakra Archetype Emperor Empress

3. Solar Plexus Chakra Archetypes

Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura Symbol Meaning

This chakra is located above the navel and is responsible for our self-worth. Having a healthy solar plexus chakra translates into good interpersonal relationships. Like all chakras, there are downsides and positives here, too. Let's see what they are.

Negative Archetype - Servant

The servant archetype is as the name suggests, which is, someone who does all the work, and probably does it well, but hardly ever gets appreciated. This constant negligence lowers the person's self-worth. How do you recognize the servant archetype? Here's what to look for.

  • They don't get enough appreciation, but they're okay with it, never wanting more
  • They are always in the background and never shine as they don't believe they're free enough to do that
  • They have low self-worth, and often feel as if they can only get acknowledgment from others and not from their inner selves

To move on from the servant archetype, you must acknowledge your work, appreciate yourself, be your best judge, and reward your good work.

Positive Archetype - Warrior

The warrior is all about taking control of your life. Warriors hold themselves in high esteem and don't wait for someone else's acknowledgment. Some of the characteristics of the warrior archetype are as below.

  • They know how to assert themselves in all situations and they are in complete control of their inner power
  • They are expressive about their emotions, talents, and everything that they do
  • They are opinionated and always stand up for themselves
  • They live an unrestrained life and are highly intelligent and energetic

Typically, this archetype develops in a person who has gone through enough challenges and had no one other than themselves to save the day. They then continue to harness their inner power to make a mark in whatever they go on to do next.

Solar Plexus Chakra Warrior Archetype

4. Heart Chakra Archetypes

Heart Chakra Anahata Symbol Meaning

When we say heart, the first thing we often associate it with is love. And why so? If it's the physical heart that keeps us alive by pumping blood, then it's the spiritual heart, which is the heart chakra, that gives us the ability to love. So, what are its negative and positive archetypes? Read on.

Negative Archetype - Actor/Actress

Have you ever gone out with someone who refused to be vulnerable and intimate? Yes, these are the people who escape their real feelings and "act" being in love. These, right below, are some of the characteristics of this archetype.

  • They tend to hold back when relationships get too emotional
  • They sabotage their relationships by refusing to be intimate
  • They usually have old wounds because of which they keep new lovers at bay
  • They attract people to themselves, because they can act being in love, but get cold and distant pretty soon

The only way to come out of this archetype is to open your heart and let true love flow in. The need for love can only be fulfilled if you give love in return.

Positive Archetype - Lover

You saw it coming, didn't you? A lover opens their heart and lets the beauty of love engulf themselves. They love themselves, and they love others. Here's how the lover archetype behaves.

  • They bestow love on everything, the people, animals, plants, and so on
  • They are open and warm people who respect everyone
  • They don't judge and consider everyone around them to be perfect
  • They are generous, happy, and full of life

Loving yourself and others, as the lover archetype does, enables you to let go of the past, forgive yourself, and see only good in others. It fills you with peace and delight.

Heart Chakra Lover Archetype

5. Throat Chakra Archetypes

Throat Chakra Vishuddha Symbol Meaning

The throat chakra allows energy to flow to our minds and hearts, giving them the ability to express feelings and thoughts. Here are its negative and positive archetypes.

Negative Archetype - Silent Child

Someone who has gone through intense pain and sorrow may suppress their feelings, so much so that it results in depression. Such is the nature of the silent child archetype. You can recognize such as person through these other characteristics, too.

  • They either are too silent about their feelings or use humor to keep real feelings hidden
  • They often take to drugs, overeating, or lead themselves into other disorders
  • They don't respond to any pleasurable activities and remain extremely closed at all times

Sometimes, they express themselves by creative means, but even there they take a measured approach

It's challenging to change the silent child archetype, and it takes time. If you know someone who belongs to this archetype, be patient with them.

Positive Archetype - Communicator

A complete opposite of the silent child archetype, the communicator is someone who communicates directly and vividly. Some of the traits are as below.

  • They are naturally good with words and take responsibility for each and everything they say
  • Whatever they say comes from deep within their intellectual minds
  • They are sincere and don't believe in gossiping and lying
  • They are reliable and make extremely trustworthy friends

People who belong to this archetype are usually able to connect deeply with their inner core, or their Higher Self. This ability is extremely important if you're set on a spiritual path.

Throat Chakra Communicator Archetype

6. Third-Eye Charka Archetypes

Third Eye Chakra Ajna Symbol Meaning

The third-eye chakra, also known as the brow chakra, is located on your forehead, between your two eyebrows. It is the center of conscious thought and controls your wisdom, your intuition, your discernment, and most importantly, your connection to the Higher Self. So, let's see what its negative and positive archetypes are.

Negative Archetype - Intellectual

You'd think this should be a positive archetype, but it's not. Here's why. Each person has been given intellect, but for it to function properly, the different parts of our brain must be kept balanced. The intellectual doesn't do that. Instead, they overthink everything, and the brain gets messed up and loses its natural function. Some of the features that may help you identify an intellectual are as below.

  • They engage their left brain more often and reject the presence of their feelings and emotions
  • They never relax and are often dry in their behavior or attitude
  • They overthink everything and try too hard to find a rational solution to all of life's problems
  • They don't enjoy life, and it often leaves them anxious and tensed

Grounding is often the remedy for this archetype. It helps them find balance and overcome the need for rationalizing everything. If this is you, find more outlets for interpersonal relationships and take pleasure in the little joys of life.

Positive Archetype - Intuitive

When life seems in disarray, look into your deeper self, and you'll find a solution within. That's what the intuitive archetype does. How do you know you're in the presence of one? Read on to find out.

  • They have an inner vision, also known as clairvoyance
  • They are extremely patient and have a lot of faith in their inner self
  • They work on this inner power not only for themselves but also for the good of others
  • They often become successful as healers or therapists

To develop your intuitive self, you need to wholeheartedly love and accept yourself first and then delve into that mysterious part of your brain that cares for psychic development. Only then, the true knowledge of the inner self can develop.

Third Eye Chakra Intuitive Archetype

7. Crown Chakra Archetypes

Crown Chakra Sahasrara Symbol Meaning

Residing at the top of your head is the crown chakra, whose function is to enable you to identify your Higher Self. In your spiritual quest, this is the chakra that guides you towards the divine light. And yes, like all other chakras, there are negative and positive archetypes here, too.

Negative Archetype - Egotist

Because the crown chakra deals with the individual core, the negative attributes can cause a person to become self-important. In that, they believe they are higher than everyone else. These are a few characteristics of this archetype.

  • They believe that they're responsible for whatever happens in their life, in a pompous way
  • They don't believe that any kind of spiritual guidance is necessary for someone to connect with their true self
  • They consider themselves to be perfect and alienate others, who, according to them, are imperfect
  • They can be harsh while dealing with pain and obstacles, thus not acknowledging the feminine side of their personality

Without realizing the presence of the divine energy that guides all of us through our lives and beyond, the egotist can end up being alone, while deliberately denying themselves real joy.

Positive Archetype - Guru

The Guru identifies itself as an archetype that feels one with the divine energy, empowered with its lights, and proving to be a shining example to all others who strive to reach this level of Higher Consciousness. Here are the traits of a Guru.

  • They are aware of the wholeness of life and teach others about the true meaning of the spirit
  • They treat everyone with compassion and teach them to do the same
  • They are peaceful, having mastered their senses, their emotions, and their bodies
  • They connect with everyone through love and don't carry within them any sense of negativity

It could take a while if you want to follow a path that leads you to total acceptance of your Inner Self. To fall into the Guru archetype isn't easy, but it's the ultimate spiritual goal everyone should have.

Crown Chakra Guru Archetype

Open Your Chakras & Empower Yourself

Identifying yourself with a particular archetype is easy. What's hard is transforming yourself from a negative archetype to a positive archetype.

Sure, we all have our bad days in life, and that's why the chakras are there to guide us. But as much as the chakras ensure that they sustain your physical and etheric body with energy, you must also make a conscious effort to keep the pathways open so that the chakras can work efficiently.

Once you maintain the openness of the chakras, you gradually begin to see how good it feels when you've empowered yourself through a positive archetype.

And with true awareness about your inner self, you can, in time, guide your soul to reach that stage where you can identify yourself with the Guru archetype more than any other archetypes.


Most of the resources in this blog post come from the book of Ambika Wauters, 'Chakras And Their Archetypes'.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about the topic of chakra archetypes, get a copy of this wonderful book today!

Chakras & Their Archetypes - Ambika Wauters:

Chakras and Their Archetypes: Uniting Energy Awareness and Spiritual Growth


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