Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is the 5th energy center in your body located in the throat area. A balanced and healthy blue chakra will allow you to express yourself with clarity and in a creative way. The Sanskrit name for a throat chakra is ‘Vishuddha,’ which...
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Heart Chakra (Anahata) is the fourth energy center from the bottom, located in the middle of the chest, near the heart. Heart chakra functions as your spiritual center, which helps you to grow a loving connection to yourself and others by cultivating compassion, empathy,...
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is the third chakra from the bottom, located in the stomach area, a couple of inches above the navel. Yellow chakra radiates through the center of your body and rules all aspects of your personal power. It is the...
Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) is the second chakra from the bottom, situated about 2 inches below the navel in the region of the lower abdomen. The sacral chakra is responsible for a healthy flow of your emotions and it deals with your ability to relate...
Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the foundation of your chakra system located at the base of the spine and associated with the element of Earth. The Root Chakra is essential because it's where your bond to Earth starts. We all need solid, deep roots to evolve...
The crown chakra is the 7th chakra in the body, which allows you to feel divine unity and harmony with all living beings and everything around you. The key purpose of the crown chakra is to align you through spirituality, self-realization, awareness,...
The third eye chakra is the 6th chakra in the body, and it is your main portal to step beyond duality and take full command of your reality. The 6th chakra is your center of intuition, imagination, self-awareness, and lucidity. The element...
The throat chakra is the 5th chakra in the body, which allows you to speak your highest truth. The fifth chakra is the center of communication, expression, and purification.The Vishuddha chakra is recognized as the purification center, because it is a place...