OM is a sacred symbol born in Hinduism and adopted by few other religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. OM is also the most important seed mantra (or in Sanskrit bija mantra), which resonates with the energy of your 6th (third eye chakra) and...
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Tree of Life symbolism is quite old and it has been used in a number of civilizations for a long time. All across the world, the tree of life has been depicted in art, architecture, and iconography. Each culture has its own...
You might be wondering what is the meaning of Buddhist Handmade String Bracelets, and why are they so wonderful? All of these beautiful Tibetan Buddhist String Lucky Bracelets come in a variety of different colors, and they can become your personal talisman of protection against all...
I think you'll agree with me when I say that Elephant is probably one of the biggest and strongest animals on our planet. The elephant is not always the most graceful creature, though it still gives majesty a good name, and therefore it is...
Did you know that Tibetan Singing Bowls are used for healing?The sound that is generated by Tibetan Singing Bowls works like energy medicine that helps in healing from stress, anxiety, pain, and many other diseases. Singing bowls are so amazing, because they create a wide range of...
Are you tired of getting zero results from expensive anti-aging creams? It is easy to spend a small fortune on lotions and potions aimed at minimizing wrinkles! Did you also know that bombarding your skin cells with harsh chemicals manufactured by pharmaceutical...
The chakras, or the 7 vital energy centers in our body, govern and profoundly impact our behaviour, emotional life, deepest desires, and personality. The word chakra literally means a "spinning wheel" as spirit uses the chakras to weave the fabric of life. The chakra model...