Red Chakra, also known as Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is the first chakra from the bottom, located at the base of the spine. Red chakra is the base of the whole chakra system on which the other chakras rest. The first chakra has...
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Orange Chakra, also known as Sacral Chakra, is the 2nd chakra from the bottom, located in the lower abdomen, around 2 inches below the navel. In Sanskrit, Orange Chakra is referred to as Svadhisthana, which means "sweetness." When you look through the...
Yellow Chakra, also known as Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, is the 3rd chakra from the bottom, positioned in the abdominal region, a few inches above the navel. Yellow chakra is the seat of our personal identity, often known as our 'Ego' in...
Green Chakra, also known as the Heart Chakra, or 'Anahata,' is the center of your chakra system and the seat of love, empathy, and connection. The healing energy of the green chakra allows you to transcend the ego and connect with the...
Blue Chakra, also known as Throat Chakra is a fifth energy center located in the middle of the neck. The blue chakra is connected with your ability to express your authentic personality and communicate with other people without fear.A healthy throat chakra will...
Indigo Chakra, also known as Third Eye Chakra, or Brow Chakra, is the 6th energy center from the bottom located in the middle of the forehead. The third eye chakra is the seat of the sixth sense, allowing us to perceive the...
Purple Chakra, also known as Crown Chakra or the "thousand-petaled lotus", is a seventh energy center located at the crown of your head. Purple chakra is the most powerful energy center in the whole chakra system, combining the attributes of all seven...
In most families all over the world, you'd see that when a baby is born, from the very beginning, it's taught to live life in a certain way. "Do the right thing", "Respect people", "Study well", "Earn well", "Be responsible", these are...