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Chakra Chants: 7 Chakras Healing Mantras
The notion that sound affects the mind and body's well-being is not new. Sound vibrations, according to Vedic tradition, tap into the elemental energy current that permeates throughout the world but is unseen to the human eye. Chanting and mantra recitation has been...

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What Is The Meaning of Sadhana?
Isn't it much more relaxing when you organize your day-to-day chores into routines? If you don't, well, you may never remember when you need to fold your clothes or pick up groceries or do the dishes. Everything would be chaotic around and...

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How Chakras Work & How Chakra Spins?
On your spiritual journey, you've probably come across the chakra system. The term chakra is derived from Sanskrit (a holy Hindu language) and it literally means "wheel of light." In our bodies, there are seven main chakras, or energy centers, each of which...

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49 Spiritual Chakra Quotes & Sayings
“Each of these seven babies, called chakras, deserves to be a book of its own.”― Anodea Judith Chakras are important elements on your spiritual path, and understanding them will allow you to integrate your mind, body, and spirit in a better way....

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How To Unblock Crown Chakra?
Crown chakra, also known as the “thousand-petaled lotus”, is the 7th energy center from the bottom, located at the top of your head.  The main function of the crown chakra is to connect you with the Divine force and infinite source of healing energy through spirituality,...

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